петък, 3 февруари 2012 г.

Understanding The Benefits Of A Smokeless Cigarette To A Smoker

With the continued rise in the price of tobacco, traditional smoking is becoming more expensive by day and hence more people are switching to alternatives. The benefit of using a smokeless cigarette is numerous considering aspects like cost, harmful effects and ease of smoking almost anywhere. The advantages of smoking electronic cigarettes are elaborated below in this article. There has been a lot of talk about the harmful effects of second hand smoke to other people especially nonsmokers. This has necessitated several cities to develop laws about smoking in public facilities like restaurants or streets. This problem is solved by using this gadget since it produces vapor which diffuses in air and does not stick on clothes or hair. It provides a cost effective alternative to smoking. An average traditional smoker will spend around five dollars on a single packet but he could spend roughly two dollars per packet if he switches to smokeless cigarettes. The risk of developing smoking related diseases and spending heavily on treatment is also reduced. The operation of this gadget depends on battery power. This means there are no flames, no lighters and no matches translating to a lesser risk of smoke related fires. The use of batteries also has its own advantages like cancelling out the need of refilling lighters and it is also easily rechargeable. One cartridge of a smokeless cigarette lasts to an equivalent of two packs of traditional ones. Comparing the waste produced after smoking, electronic smoking leaves lesser waste compared to conventional smoking. This reduces the amount of pollution as a result of smoking generated wastes. These advantages are just the beginning and with the developments in technology, there might be more benefits of using this gadget. A smoker may consider switching to electronic smoking to cut smoking costs and avoid the harmful health effects of tobacco.

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